- Sjohi@hifi.com.sa
Contact Info
- Address: HI-FI -Asalah Al Mawheba 12475 Riyadh.
- +966553388625
- Sjohi@hifi.com.sa
For hotels to provide successful hospitality, it is important to embrace the latest innovations and trends so that guests are able to indulge in convenient and luxurious services during their stay. HI-FI Service helps hotels realize their ambitions by using high-quality technology and implementing stylish interfaces that are both eye-catching and accessible. We do this by providing the installation of solutions that use up-to-date gadgetry, including touch panels that allow the alteration of things such as room temperature and lighting with greatly simplified commands, as well as advanced motion sensors for precise guest detection. In addition, we allow managers the ability to fully tailor the services they wish to provide with highly modular room control units.